Our newest Flow Coalition member, Manitoulin Area Stewardship Council, (MASC) has been actively working on the Upper Great Lakes water levels and flows for a number of years.
They have researched the issue extensively and have prepared a position paper in response to the March 2012 release of the Upper Great Lakes Study. Lake Superior Regulation: Addressing Uncertainty in Upper Great Lakes Water Levels.
The drop in water levels in lakes Michigan-Huron has been unprecedented. Reports indicate a drop of approximately 3 feet in the last 12 years. It has caused much harm to property owners with frontage in shallow areas of the lakes, to spawning grounds and fisheries, accelerated the growth of invasive species such as phragmites, increased risk to boaters and commercial shipping and is causing economic harm in tourist areas.
MASC has taken the lead on this issue. They deserve our attention. We strongly urge you to review and consider their attached cover letter and and their position paper regarding the Lake Superior Report.
The IJC has scheduled public hearings around the Great Lakes beginning next week. Here is the link for their calendar http://www.ijc.org/iuglsreport/?page_id=25.
In addition to the hearings, written comments will be accepted until August 31st.
In recent months, the IJC issued its recommended Lower Lakes plan for balancing and maintaining water levels to protect wetlands and navigation threatened by declining water levels and climate change. Flow for Water’s Public Trust & Water Policy Center is actively researching the issue. It intends to submit written comments on the relationship to water level management plans and responsibilities of governments to balance and protect the integrity of the Great Lakes under the public trust doctrine. We ask that you too consider participating in the hearing process to help us save the Great Lakes.
Source: Flow for Water