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Parking Structure/Garage

Parking Lot/Street Lighting | Electric Vehicle Charging Stations | Solar For Parking Lot Lighting | Pervious Paving

Parking Lot/Street Lighting
Try induction lighting, T5, or LED lighting for energy savings.

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Intelligent traffic light systems are currently being used in some regions.  These systems not only record historic data, but are capable of making decisions per intersection to help the flow of traffic, decreasing wait time and the amount of fuel used.  Electrical contractors specializing in these systems can implement them in most areas.

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Directional Boring is a means to install conduits underground with minimal disruption of the landscape.  Choose an electrical contractor that uses this method over trenching or excavation to avoid impacting large areas of land.

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LED lighting can allow end users to save energy and money while reducing their carbon footprint. LED lights use 50 to 90 percent less energy than other lighting options, and they last much longer as well. They contain no mercury or CFC’s. So the next time you are looking to replace your lighting, purchase LED lighting from a reputable company.

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Induction light fixtures are being used in public parking structures across the country due to their energy and maintenance savings. Induction lamps use approximately 50% less energy than standard high pressure sodium (HPS) and high intensity discharge (HID) lamps, cost less than LEDs, and last up to 100,000 hours.

A bi-level ballast option can be utilized for additional energy savings and pedestrian/motorist safety. When the parking garage or structure is vacant, the bi-level ballast step dims the induction light fixture to 40% power, and when the occupancy sensor is triggered by motion, the fixture resumes to 100% power.

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Electric Vehicle Charging Stations


Solar For Parking Lot Lighting
Check to see if the new LED lighting meets your requirements. By not having to run underground conduits and pulling new circuits, you will offset the cost of the LED parking lot lights. The energy cost savings resulting from the addition of LED lights will offset their cost as well.


Pervious Paving
Help reduce storm water run-off by installing pervious paving block or gravel drives and parking lots.



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