City of Southfield to co-sponsor Southfield Flower Day on Nine Mile Saturday, May 20
Participating vendors will include 3D’s Gardens located at 24850 W. Nine Mile Road and Lavin’s Flowerland located at 24620 W. Nine Mile Road. Both nurseries will be offering special discounts to Southfield residents. A valid driver’s license or other form of I.D. will be required to receive any discounts for residents.
“Southfield Flower Day on Nine Mile provides the community with a great opportunity to shop for quality plants and flowers from several local vendors right here in town,” commented Mayor Kenson Siver. “Why drive downtown for flowers when you can beat the rush and crowds? This is a great time for residents to purchase flowers to spruce up their yards and neighborhoods.”
The event is sponsored by the Mayor and City Council to promote curb appeal and the beautification of Southfield. Many varieties of annual and perennial flowers and plants will be offered for sale. Members of the Southfield Parks and Garden Club will also be on hand at each location offering free gardening tips and advice.
For more information, call Southfield Community Relations at (248) 796-5130.
The city of Southfield will co-sponsor the Southfield Flower Day on Nine Mile on Saturday, May 20 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Southfield vendors located on Nine Mile Road just west of Telegraph Road.