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mi rain barrel

Contact: Joshua Rubin
Phone: 248-417-8660


About Us

MI Rain Barrel or “mirainbarrel” (my-rain-barrel) is an offshoot of “Maxi Container”. We started out as an ordinary company … but now, we love Rain Barrels and Composting, so we had to create a new website dedicated to just that!

We are so excited to be here, and hope you find this page a useful tool to enrich your lives. Living a sustainable life is the goal; by harvesting rain water and creating your own nutrient rich soil, and in the process, reducing waste. Here are a few ways to get started. Enjoy!


Company Description

Rain Barrels are fun for everyone, they are great for kids to learn the importance of saving H2O. They also are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money!

Our Rain Barrels are made from previously used food grade drums, we 100% guarantee we don’t make a rain barrel out of anything else! Rain barrels are perfect for all gardeners, you can divert the overflow into a nearby pond, rain garden, or flower bed. Connect two rain barrels together and have twice the capacity! We suggest that you put rocks in the lid to provide  a natural filter, this doesn’t mean your rain water is drinkable!

Our Store is finally open for business. We currently are accepting PayPal soon our secure checkout feature will be live. Thank you for your patience!

To learn more about rain barrels visit our FAQ page.

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