Services and content on this site are provided “as is” and “as available” by Greening Detroit, LLC and/or its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, “Greening Detroit”). Greening Detroit expressly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Listings in this Directory are based on information created and provided by the vendors and has not been verified or reviewed by Greening Detroit as meeting any jurisdiction’s laws, rules or requirements regarding the advertising of “Green” products or services, including but not limited to, the rules or requirements of the Federal Trade Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, ASHRAE standards, Energy Star ratings, The USGBC – LEED point standards, or any other organizational or governmental agency’s current or future interpretations or guidelines. Compliance with any laws, rules or requirements is the sole responsibility of the vendors.
Listing in this Directory should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement by Greening Detroit. Greening Detroit is not an agent for vendors on (the “Site”) and does not vouch for those persons, companies and other organizations whose goods or services may be displayed or referred to on the Site, or for the availability, suitability or prices of such goods and services. Greening Detroit will not be responsible for any misrepresentations, any personal injuries, or property damage caused by, from, or regarding any of its vendors.
Greening Detroit and its employees have not been employed by any local, state, or city government agency, municipalities, or any profit or non-profit organization (the “Sources”) in covering articles, stories, email material, photography material, video material, and all media related content. Additionally, Greening Detroit does not vouch for any information or material supplied by any of the above Sources but is merely passing the information along as public knowledge through the Site.