DELEG Mission
“Promote and ensure Michigan’s Future through eduction, job training, innovation and collaborative partnerships in service and protection of our customers needs.”
DELEG Vision
“DELEG through its people establish the global standard for excellence in customer service.”
- We are the customer service benchmark for the world
- We demonstrate that we are good stewards of the public trust
- We ensure Michigan achieves the benefit of a fully and safely employed citizenry
- We are known by our customers, partners and stakeholders for outstanding service and our zeal for results
- Our customers rave to family and friends about our consistent, fair and respected service
- Our customers love our work because our services are convenient, accessible and available anytime
- Our customers love our signature on-line and on-time transactions that showcase our personal touch
Green Initiatives
The Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (DELEG) aligns all energy sector initiatives, promotes economic growth and job creation to prepare Michigan for the new energy economy—the state’s greatest opportunity to create new jobs, attract new investment, and diversify its economy. Michigan’s energy efforts are strengthened by DELEG’s centralization of the state’s job, workforce, and economic development; workplace protection; and business service and regulatory competencies all under one umbrella.
A number of Case Studies based on EECBG funded projects throughout the region
EECBG Case Study 1: Small Governments tells the story of little Yale, MI and its quest to reduce the amount of energy used in the city hall, as well as to be able to see out the windows. Luckily, its city manager sought help from many different organizations around the state for help in making this quest a reality. Due to his persistence, the retrofits are underway.
ECBG Case Study 2: Single Stream Recycling is an account of the challenges and victories of Huntington Woods, MI and SOCRRA as they fought to implement a pilot single stream recycling program in the community.
EECBG Case Study 3: Workforce Development regales us with the tale of how the City of Warren facilitated partnerships between many organizations to integrate workforce development into its green roof projects.
EECBG Case Study 4: Lighting Retrofit tells about what was saved (energy) and what was gained (better lighting) as Lathrup Village implemented a lighting retrofit project in their city hall.
EECBG Case Study 5: Joint Purchasing is the story of six communities who banded together with the help of the Southeast Michigan Regional Energy Office and saved over $40,000 in lighting supplies through joint purchasing for their lighting retrofits, equivalent to $0.68 cents/capita for residents in those communities.
EECBG Case Study 6: Historic Buildings recounts the story of the preservation and restoration of both historic character and energy in the 130 year old one room school house turned library in tiny Ray Township, MI.
This material based upon work supported by the United States Department of Energy and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, Bureau of Energy Systems under Award Numbers DE-EE000753 and BES- 10-16
MI Biomass Energy Program (MBEP) Workshop Financial Assistane Application Guidelines (FY2011)
DELEG Announces Green Lodging Certification for Westin Southfield
City of Rochester Fire Station Installs Solar Roofing System