Michigan News
Consumers Energy’s plan to expand the Experimental Advanced Renewable Program (EARP) has been approved by the MPSC. The EARP provides for the long term purchase of energy generated by customer-owned PV.
Previous installations have been completed at 102 locations and provide approximately 2 MW. Phase 3 will award 250 kW for non-residential capacity. Consumers has begun accepting applications from business customers. Applications are due on or before September 28. Phase 4 will award approximately 125 kW of contracts for residential capacity in the 1st quarter of 2012. The program expansion, occurring in 18 or more phases, is expected to add 3 MW of additional customer-owned generation and will have a standard offer price of between $0.20 and $0.26 per kWh. www.consumersenergy.com/EARP
Green Energy Jobs Michigan is a new service that can help you get started in a Green Energy career or pursue the next step in your career. This service will provide job announcements tailored to your specific interests and monthly newsletters that will provide updates on industry developments, networking opportunities, training options, and other helpful information. $45 one-time fee. If you are interested, send a note to johnsarver3@gmail.com.
Hope Lutheran Church in Warren is looking to the heavens for a new source of power. Pastor Duerr worked with Allen Brothers Roofing and LUMA Resources in Rochester Hills who installed a 20 kW PV system. The church is participating in DTE Energy’s Solar Currents program. The solar panels double as roofing material, so the project also saved 10% of the total cost of the roof replacement.
Ventower Industries’ New Wind Energy Tower Plant has been dedicated in Monroe. The 150,000-sq. ft. plant, when fully up and running, could employ up to 150 people. At full production, Ventower will be able to produce 300 towers per year, each of which are 300-feet-tall and 16-feet in diameter.
Valerie J.M. Brader has been named the MEDC’s new energy policy officer effective September 12. Ms. Brader will work closely with the Governor’s office, the
Michigan Energy Office, and MEDC business development and entrepreneur services groups to make energy policy recommendations for the state. Since April 2007, Ms. Brader has specialized in corporate and environmental law at Bodman PLC.
Consumers Energy’s energy efficiency program for electric business customers has reached its 2011 energy savings goal. Since the electric incentive program began in July 2009, the utility reports more than 5,000 commercial and industrial customers have saved nearly 350 million kWh’s reducing their electric bills by an estimated $24 million a year. http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2011/08/03/consumers-energy-efficiency-incentive-program-reaches-goal/
Dow Solar Design to Zero Competition has been launched by Dow Chemical to challenge students to develop innovative projects incorporating active and passive solar and other sustainable technologies to design near-zero energy multi-family dwellings. The international challenge is open to architecture, design and engineering students and professionals. Registration is open through Sept. 25 and all final housing designs must be submitted by Oct. 31. The prizes — including first, second and third prizes of $20,000, $10,000, and $5,000 — will be announced at an event in the Spring of 2012.www.designtozero.com
New Green Terminal at the Oakland County International Airport used recycled materials in the construction, and the new building will use wind and geothermal power and rainwater for landscaping. The county is seeking LEED certification.
Beyond Michigan
Researchers in New York are trying to find out if wind and solar power could be used to power a distributed network of data centers that would bypass the transmission grid. Data centers could be installed at wind turbine sites in a wide geographic area. If the wind is blowing in one area, processing would be routed there. If a different location is generating more power, the processing would be routed there. The data would be sent over fiber-optic networks, which are far more energy efficient than moving power over transmission lines. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority is investing $300,000 in the project, which will leverage an additional $374,000 in private money.
American Wind Energy Association reports that during the second quarter Iowa’s wind generating capacity reached 20% of the state’s total electricity network.
Recent Studies by the National Bureau of Economic Research and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory indicate that houses with solar panels sell for an average of 3.5% more than comparable houses without solar. The studies show that solar adds value in much the same way as other home improvements, like new bathrooms and kitchens.
Energy Information Administration has reported that petroleum imports fell to 49% in 2010. Part of the drop resulted from the federal agency’s using a different measurement — net petroleum imports — widely viewed as a more accurate way to judge overall dependence on foreign petroleum. The figure counts imports of crude oil and refined petroleum products, but it also subtracts exports of U.S. petroleum products, which have been growing. Taking everything into account, the country’s net petroleum imports peaked at 60.3% in 2005 and dropped to 49.3% in 2010.
Philips Lighting North America has won the 60-watt replacement bulb category of the Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prize (L Prize) competition. DOE’s L Prize challenged the lighting industry to develop high performance replacements for conventional light bulbs. The Philips LED bulb successfully completed 18 months of intensive field, lab, and product testing to meet the rigorous requirements of the L Prize competition. If every 60-watt incandescent bulb in the U.S. was replaced with the 10-watt L Prize winner, the nation would save $3.9 billion in one year.
Vattenfall has completed the installation of the final turbine at its pioneering wind farm off the coast of northwest England. The 30 REpower 5M wind turbines have a total installed capacity of 150 MW. This is the first commercial deployment of the 5 MW turbine.
2011 U.S. Billion-Ton Update: Biomass Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry has been released by DOE. The report examines the nation’s capacity to produce a billion dry tons of biomass resources annually for energy uses without impacting food, feed, and fiber crops. The feedstock resources identified could produce about 85 billion gallons of biofuels – enough to replace approximately 30% of the nation’s current petroleum consumption. https://bioenergykdf.net/content/billiontonupdate
Final Energy Efficiency Standards for Home Refrigerators and Freezers have been issued by DOE and will improve their efficiency by about 25% by 2014. The new standards will save $200 for the typical consumer over the lifetime of the refrigerator. Nationally, consumers are expected to save more than $21 billion through 2043. http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/news/progress_alerts.cfm/pa_id=604
Feed-in-Tariffs will become effective in Japan on July 1, 2012. New legislation will require utilities to buy electricity generated by solar, wind and geothermal at above-market rates. Rates for renewable energy will be as much as 20 yen (26 cents) a kWh for 15 years. The rate for solar may be higher, e.g. 42 yen a kWh for residential PV. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-08-26/japan-spurs-solar-wind-energy-with-subsidies-for-renewables.html
“The End of Growth” by Richard Heinberg describes what policymakers, communities, and families can do to build a new economy that operates within the Earth’s energy and resource limits. I just read it and recommend it. Definitely thought provoking.
West Michigan Chapter of the Assoc. of Energy Engineers (WMAEE) will hold its Chapter Meeting on Wed, Sept 14 at Watermark Country Club, 5500 Cascade Rd, Grand Rapids. This is a luncheon meeting 11:30 AM-1:30 PM. Presentation will be provided by Mark Morgan and Steven Koski, both with Enbridge, on the current state of the natural gas industry and where it is headed. Contact Daniel Sovinski at sovinskd@ferris.edu if you would like to attend. Cost is $15 and may be paid at the door with pre-attendance notification.
Oakland University SBA-SECS is offering an Energy Management Certificate Program. It is a six week program designed for busy professionals that will start September 16 and be held on Fridays & Saturdays, 9 am- 5 pm. Visit: www.oakland.edu\energymgmt or contact: Maureen Callaghan, Professional Development Coordinator at 248-412-3235 or mpcallag@oakland.edu
Great Lakes Wind Collaborative 4th Annual Meeting will be held Sept. 19-22 at the Ann Arbor Ypsilanti Marriott Eagle Crest Resort. The event starts September 19 with a pre-meeting fieldtrip followed by two-and-a-half days of informative panel presentations and discussion, breakout sessions and a reception.
Gerald R. Ford Energy Lecture on Sept. 20 at Ford Museum, Grand Rapids at 7:30 pm.
First Annual Detroit Green Miles Festival will be held at Belle Isle’s lighthouse on Friday, Sept 23 and Saturday, Sept 24 from 10am-8pm. In addition to exhibits, presentations, food, and kids’ activities, a Green Jobs fair will kick off the event on Friday beginning at 10am. www.DetroitGreenMileFestival.org
MPSC Consumer Forums start on September 27, 6 p.m. in Ontonagon. Other forums will be held in Gladstone (9/28), Grayling (9/29), Lansing (10/6), Ypsilanti (10/12), Hamtramck (11/2), and Grand Haven (11/3). http://www.michigan.gov/mpsc/0,4639,7-159-16400_17280-261317–,00.html
SBIR/STTR Grant Funding Workshop will be held at MAREC on Sept. 27, 9 am – 4 pm. Mark Clevey, MEDC, will discuss how small to medium sized manufacturers can obtain grant funding to research, develop, and commercialize wind and solar energy innovations. www.gvsu.edu/marec
Michigan H2Objective Conference, Research Shaping Michigan’s Water Future will be held on Sept 29-30 at Wayne State University. The conference will feature three themes: Water & Energy, Water & Health, and Water & Landscape. For more information contact Dr. Erin Dreelin at dreelin@msu.edu or 517‐353‐7746.
Michigan Sustainable Homes and Business Tour will take place Saturday, October 1st, from 10am – 4pm. This is a great opportunity to talk to homeowners who have experience with solar and other sustainable building practices. www.glrea.org
2011 Annual Sustainability Conference will be held by Michigan Interfaith Power & Light and Center for Sustainability at Aquinas College at the Grand Rapids campus on October 5. Conference will address the needs of Michigan IPL members, educators and students, and businesses. www.miipl.org
Michigan Women of Wind Energy (WOWE) will meet on Wednesday, October 5, 6:00 pm at Stork Climax Research Services in Wixom. Look forward to an expert panel discussion on Building a Wind Farm.
“How to Get a Green Energy Job” workshop will be held at Michigan Energy Options, 405 Grove St. in E. Lansing on Tuesday, October 18, 7:00-8:30 pm. John Sarver will provide an overview of green energy job opportunities and how to find and get a green energy job. There is a $10 fee to attend. To register contact Becky Jo at bfarrington@michiganenergyoptions.org or 517-337-0422 ext 1303.
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Source/Prepared by: John Sarver for Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA)