Worry Free Outdoor Services
Company’s Description
Worry Free Lawn Care & Snow Removal, Inc. is a full service Outdoor Landscape Maintenance and Snow Removal Company. We provide landscape maintenance, construction and snow removal services for commercial, municipal and residential customers.
Worry Free Outdoor Services provides environmentally beneficial solutions to its customers; such as saving water, replacing trees and using liquid salt brine instead of rock salt.
One of the ways Worry Free saves water is using a product called Hydroloc when installing grass seed, new sod, shrubs and trees. Hydroloc is a polymer that comes in three different forms and can be applied in several different ways. It can be sprayed, along with a wetting agent, with fertilizer on turf. This is the “seasonal” form of Hydroloc. Hydroloc also comes in two granular sizes that are applied while planting trees and shrubs, or the Granular form of Hydroloc can be made into a root dip for annual plants. See the following attachments for further information. Hydroloc