DNR Announces Closures at High-Traffic Facilities

– DNR News –
In accordance with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendations designed to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Michigan Department of Natural Resources today announced a series of closures for several of its state-managed facilities.The following facilities will be closed to the public March 14-April 13. These are closed-door facilities that draw large numbers (over 100) of people during the day.
- The Outdoor Adventure Center, the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory and the Belle Isle Aquarium (Detroit).
- The Michigan History Museum and Archives of Michigan (Lansing).
- The Michigan Iron Industry Museum (Negaunee).
- DNR visitor centers at state parks, and the Oden and Wolf Lake state fish hatchery interpretive centers.
Moving forward, the DNR will consult with Michigan’s State Emergency Operations Center for the latest on COVID-19 in Michigan to determine if additional events and programs need to be canceled or postponed. Before traveling, please check Michigan.gov/DNRCalendar for updates.The state is taking proactive steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Michigan. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in reducing the coronavirus risk to Michigan residents.For current and up-to-date information regarding the Coronavirus visit Michigan.gov/Coronavirus or CDC.gov/Coronavirus.