The program will spur economic growth, save energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging appliance replacements. This program will create jobs in retailing and manufacturing and Michigan companies make many of the products included in this program. The Michigan strategy will have the following objectives:
- 1. Complement existing utility energy optimization programs by providing rebates for appliances not covered by utility programs.
- 2. Reach rural areas not served by utility natural gas programs.
- 3. Push the marketplace by providing rebates for appliances that exceed the ENERGY STAR standards.
The program will start on February 10, 2010 and end when funds run out. Rebates are not retroactive. Only Michigan residents will be eligible to participate and rebates are limited to one per product per household. Appliances have to be replaced. Customers can go online or call a toll-free number to reserve a rebate. Participants will be required to mail in a rebate application and valid receipt for proof of purchase.
Websites to reserve rebates: – Refrigerators, dishwashers, & clothes washers – Furnaces & hot water heaters
Call-In Numbers for additional information or to reserve a rebate:
1-866-621-8782 – Refrigerators, dishwashers, & clothes washers
1-888-MICHNRG (1-888-642-4674) – Furnaces & hot water heaters
Click here to be introduced to DELEG.
Source: Michigan Dept. of Energy, Labor, & Economic Growth (DELEG)