What is the Global Climate Change and What’s Your Solution?
What? Video (under 2 minutes)
Who? K-12 Students (ages 19 & under)
Prize? Prizes will be awarded to two age groups: (13 & under and 14-19)
First Prize: $200.00 & new flip video camcorder!
Second Prize: $100.00 & new flip video camcorder!
Second Runner-Up Prizes: $50.00
STUDENTS! Tell us your Small Solutions to the Big Problem!
Submit Your Video by December 17, 2010!
To see winning videos from the previous ShowGreenTV Student Film Challange visit: www.ShowGreenTV.org
The ShowGreenTV Student Film Challange Screening Awards Ceremony will be held on Saturday, January 22, 2011, at the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Source: Energy Works Michigan