Michigan News
Michigan Energy Efficiency Network, supported by the State of Michigan, has been launched to help local governments, schools, and businesses save time, effort, and energy. The MichEEN is a tool for sharing and creating energy efficiency strategies. Check it out at www.micheen.org
Offshore Wind Energy Legislation and a bipartisan plan have been announced by State Rep Dan Scripps (D) and Senator Patty Birkholz (R). The plan will help guide the development of offshore wind projects in the Great Lakes from site assessment all the way to decommissioning. The plan will prohibit wind projects from being built within six miles of the shoreline unless the county nominates an area that is 3-6 miles from the shoreline. The legislation introduced is based on recommendations by the Michigan Great Lakes Wind Council. On November 30 the House had a hearing on the legislation, but no vote has been taken at this time. Muskegon Chronicle reported on the hearing. http://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/index.ssf/2010/11/offshore_wind_debated_but_stat.html HB 6564 can be found at www.legislature.michigan.gov/
Biomass Energy Demonstration Grants up to $24,500 per project are available from the Bureau of Energy Systems, DELEG. Proposals are due no later than December 15th. The Michigan Biomass Energy Program seeks to fund projects that advance the commercial supply and use of a proven biomass energy/fuel technology. Only public and non-profit entities are eligible. RFP can be accessed at www.michigan.gov/documents/dleg/Biomass_Energy_Demo_Grant_RFP_FY_2011_338774_7.pdf
Detroit Edison has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain Michigan-based renewable power. The utility is seeking 245 MW of renewable energy from wind, solar, hydro, biomass or landfill gas that would be operating by the end of 2014. Of that amount, approximately 120 MW would be operating by the end of 2012. The notice of intent to bid this RFP is due by Jan. 21, 2011. Potential bidders can view the RFP at www.dteenergy.com/renewsuppliers. To meet the state’s renewable energy goals, Detroit Edison expects to add about 1,200 MW of renewable power. The company plans to own facilities to supply up to half of that power and contract with third parties for the rest. Michigan Strategic Fund board approved a new Center of Energy Excellence designation and $6 million for Dow Corning to establish the Solar Valley Research Enterprise in the Midland area in collaboration with Hemlock Semiconductor and Oak Ridge National Lab. The center will speed innovation and commercialization in the PV value chain. The project is contingent upon DOE funding to be announced early next year.
MSF also approved a COEE designation and $3 million for the Metamora-based Grid Logic, which will collaborate with Oak Ridge National Lab to develop, test, certify and manufacture a fault current limiter that shores up the power supply in the event of a major disruption to the grid. The project will receive $5 million in funding from the DOE Clean Energy Advanced Manufacturing program. The sale of fault current limiters represents a $1-3 billion annual market opportunity.
Energy Works Michigan will receive a $4,400,000 from the MPSC to continue and expand its currently operating Michigan Renewable Schools Program available to schools throughout Michigan. Great Lakes Energy Service will receive a $600,000 grant to continue to provide educational opportunities, mobile renewable energy classroom visits and conduct energy camps for schools throughout Michigan.
Net Metering report for the last six months of 2009 shows that the number of net metering customers jumped by 85%. Net metering customers increased from 137 at the end of June 2009 to 254 at the end of December 2009. Wind proved the most popular with the number of installations increasing from 96 to 163 installations during the six-month period, while solar installations increased from 39 to 89. www.michigan.gov/netmetering
DTE Energy will install an additional 100,000 electric meters to provide the backbone for its SmartCurrents program. The meters will eliminate manual meter reading, provide remote monitoring, and allow customers to better manage their energy usage. In total, 150,000 meters will be installed by the end of 2010, including those already installed during pilot programs. DTE plans to install 600,000 smart meters by the end of 2011. The project is being funded, in part, through an $84 million DOE grant. www.smartcurrents.com
2.2 MW Wind Turbine was unveiled at a Merrill Technologies Group facility. The 70-foot-long, 300,000-pound turbine will sit atop a tower in Stoney Corners near Cadillac to generate power for more than 250 homes for DTE energy. The turbine is the first utility-scale wind generator manufactured in Michigan and components come almost entirely from Michigan companies. The turbine is the centerpiece of a 2.2 MW wind system built by Northern Power Systems.
Non-Profit Organizations looking to finance lighting upgrades may be eligible for funding through a program at WARM Training Center. DTE will fund 75% of the project cost for their customers. WARM will provide a lighting audit of the building and walk the organization through the financing process. The non-profit must own the building or have a long term lease and the project must be completed by December 31, 2010. Contact Erinn Fahey at (313) 894-1030 ext. 120 or efahey@warmtraining.org
Farmington Hills new city hall has many green features including skylights, translucent wall panels, 40-well geothermal system, solar hot water heating, PV system, and green roof. Annual energy savings are estimated to be $30,000 off the previous average annual bill of $80,000.
Huron County Voters on election day approved two new wind energy overlay districts. 59% of voters in the districts, one district for Bloomfield, Rubicon and Sigel townships and one for McKinley Township, approved the decision by Huron County. This was the first voter referendum in this region for wind energy.
Energy Management Certificate Program has been launched by the School of Business and Administration and the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Oakland University. It is a six week program that will start January 14, 2011 and is held on Fridays & Saturdays, 9 am- 5 pm. The cost is $1500. Learn more at www.oakland.edu/energymgmt or contact Maureen Callaghan mpcallag@oakland.edu or (248) 412-3235
Community Energy Coordinator position is available at Michigan Energy Options. The position will perform field work and assist in the coordination of programs that improve energy efficiency in residential, commercial and municipal sectors. Work will primarily be in Greater Lansing and Grand Rapids areas, as well as the southern tier of the state. Send resume with a brief statement to hlove@michiganenergyoptions.org http://www.michiganenergyoptions.org/newsevents/news/378-meo-job-opening-
Beyond Michigan
General Electric will roll out an LED bulb to replace 60-watt incandescent bulbs next year. Later this year, GE will release its first LED bulb designed for general use, such as desk lamps and overhead lights. This 40 watt-equivalent bulb will last over 20 years and meet the upcoming EnergyStar standard for LED bulbs.
Bicycle Highway is being planned for Copenhagen in an effort to encourage more commuters to leave their cars at home. Copenhagen has more bicycles than people and the city’s numerous bike paths can become congested. Crowded Noerrebrogade will be widened up to four yards on either side for bikes and the road will be reserved for buses only. The goal is to hike the percentage of suburban commuters cycling to and from the city from the 37% today to over 50% by 2015. Within the city, 55% of all commuters already travel by bike.
Skip Pruss has been named to the new federal Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee. Skip, former director of the Michigan Dept. of Energy, Labor, & Economic Growth, is one of 19 members from academia, industry, and the public. The committee will advise Energy Secretary Chu on plans, priorities, and program funding.
Algae-Based Biofuels will reach 61 million gallons by 2020 according to a recent report by Pike Research. The report indicates that the inevitable resurgence of oil prices, volatility in the energy markets, and climate change policy and legislation will combine with algae’s productivity and scalability to yield a $1.3 billion market a decade from now. Widespread scale-up will be hampered by a number of challenges, including access to nutrients, water, and private capital.
GE will buy 25,000 electric vehicles by 2015 including 12,000 from GM, starting with the Chevy Volt next year. This plan will support GE’s new business of WattStation electric vehicle chargers.
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Source/Prepared by: John Sarver for Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA)