The Southeast Michigan Regional Energy Office is currently accepting applications for eight neighborhoods to participate in the BetterBuildings for Michigan home energy efficiency program. The program helps homeowners save energy and money, offering upgrades and incentives worth up to $500,000 to homeowners in selected neighborhoods of 400-450 occupied homes. In addition to the homeowner incentives, $5,000 to $15,000 is available to community organizations that host the program, to support their community development efforts.
The program works to educate homeowners about the benefits of energy efficiency, and provides financial incentives to get residents started saving energy and money. Homeowners who participate can save hundreds of dollars each year on their energy bills, and the incentive program encourages residents to continue investing in their home and their neighborhood.
Four neighborhoods in the City of Detroit and four in the suburbs will be chosen to receive the grant. City governments, neighborhood associations, block clubs, community development corporations and communities of faith are all welcome to submit applications, and we encourage applications that are sponsored by more than one organization.
Suburban neighborhood applications must be from member cities of the Regional Energy Office. Detroit applications may be from any neighborhood, with preference given to neighborhoods that are near proposed mass transit lines and that have high rates of owner-occupied housing. Please visit our website for application details, eligibility information and selection criteria.
More information can be found at:
Two pre-application meetings will be held for applicants to learn more and ask questions about the application process.
Suburbs applicants
Ferndale Public Library
222 East Nine Mile, Ferndale, MI
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
11:30am – 12:30pm
Detroit applicants
WARM Training Center’s Bagley Green Jobs Training Site
2715 Bagley Street, Detroit, MI (SW corner of Bagley and Saint Anne, in Detroit’s Mexican Town)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
3:30pm – 4:30pm
Contact: Gillian Ream, Communications Coordinator
Southeast Michigan Regional Energy Office
866.402.1061 x719
Source: Southeast Michigan Regional Energy Office