Hosted at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi on Tuesday May 10, the energy conference is hailed as the largest energy conference of its kind in Michigan. This once a year event is an unparalleled opportunity for learning from and networking with leaders in the alternative energy sector.
As you may imagine, these were not the usual ‘home show’ type exhibits. There were a multitude of engineering companies that transitioned into energy consulting and product development. Many of the exhibits seemingly have a high-tech niche market and offer services and products that create, conserve and distribute energy. One of the innovative exhibits that caught my attention was the exhibit by the Leviton Manufacturing that offers a complete solution for residential and commercial plug-in electric car charging stations. With over a dozen global auto manufacturers coming out soon with electric vehicles, perhaps this is an indication of the types of technology that we’ll be seeing more of in the near future.
During a sit down luncheon for approximately 1000 guests, Michael A. Finney, President and CEO of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation ( aka MEDC), gave the keynote speech to an attentive audience. In broad strokes he painted a scenario of Michigan’s economic strengths, like an educated work-force, and the effects of tourism and agriculture on Michigan’s economic realignment in the post-industrial world. He gave examples of and proffered the concept for ‘economic gardening’ where there is a focused effort by government and the private sector to cultivate and nurture local growth companies so they can harvest new jobs.
For more information about the conference, membership and other special events please visit the Engineering Society of Detroit at
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Author & Photographer: Doug Elbinger, Elbinger Media Group, representing