GLREA will also produce a guidance manual of best practices, based on its experiences in Manistee County, for other Michigan counties to use in development their own county wind energy plans.
The Manistee County Wind Energy Planning process seeks to address geographic, institutional and social barriers to wind energy industry development in Manistee County. The wind energy plan identifies these barriers and provides recommendations to address them.
GLREA involved many stakeholders in the process. In developing the Manistee County Wind Energy Plan, GLREA held stakeholder meetings in Manistee County and Lansing, Michigan. Additionally, GLREA hosted a wind town meeting at the 2007 Michigan Energy Fair.
GLREA has also worked with the Michigan State University Land Policy Institute to develop maps that identify those areas in the county that are the most suitable for wind energy development.
The Manistee County Wind Energy Planning Project delivered products:
- Manistee County Wind Energy Plan and Proposed Zoning Ordinance
- Guidance Manual of Best Practices for Wind Energy Planning
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Source: GLREA