The Advanced Lighting Technology Demonstration Grants were awarded from the Michigan Energy Office through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) for projects that create and retain jobs, save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Today’s grants are in addition to 20 grants that were previously awarded by the Energy Office.
Warren will receive $88,000 for advanced lighting while Burton will receive $44,582.
The projects replace or retrofit existing lighting fixtures with advanced lighting technologies, helping communities become more energy efficient while cutting costs. The City of Burton will focus on using Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and the City of Warren will demonstrate induction lighting.
Grants are administered through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program, which began in 2009 and ends this year. The Recovery Act included more than $2.4 billion for the EECBG Local Government Program, making support available nationally to reduce energy use and improve energy efficiency in various sectors (buildings, transportation, etc.).
In Michigan, $19.6 million was awarded to the state to administer competitive grants for smaller municipalities, while $58.1 million was distributed to local governments and federally-recognized tribes directly through this program.
For additional information on the Michigan EECBG Program, contact Jan Patrick, Manager, EECBG Program Manager, Michigan Energy Office at patrickj@michigan.gov.
Source: MEDC