While all of us can benefit from knowledge about material use, youth are particularly critical. We have received over-whelming feedback from the teachers and families of students who have shared what they learned. It is the motivation of young people that sparks conversation about waste disposal, pollution and material use in homes across Detroit.
It is recommended that all students have a solid foundation in STEM because “the saturation of technology in most fields means that all students – not just those who plan to pursue a STEM profession – will require a solid foundation in STEM to be productive members of the workforce.” The innovative nature of the Green Living Science educational programming is such that it will support regional recycling, build science comprehension, and emphasize personal decision-making through STEM education.
BEE GREEN. BECOME INVOLVED: Be a part of creating a Green Detroit Community:
- Date: Wednesday, August 1st
- Time: 6:00pm-8:30pm
- Location: Lincoln Street Art Park (down the street from Recycle Here! at 1331 Holden St.)
- Food, Drinks, DJ, Live Painting and Learning
- Sponsored by: Green Living Science, Recycle Here, Green Safe Products
Click here to be introduced to Recycle Here!
Source: Recycle Here!