We all geek something. Whatever you geek (science-fiction, graphic-design, barbecue…), your public library supports you. Ferndale Public Library is joining a nation wide public awareness campaign, Geek The Library, to keep us in the community’s conversation: spotlighting the valuable role libraries play in society and the critical funding issues they face in uncertain economic times, (i.e. a lingering recession/slow-recovery/national and state funding cuts.)
“Geek” can be a verb and we encourage Ferndale to proclaim, proudly: what-they-‘geek.’
The awareness campaign (launching Saturday, Sept. 15 inside the Ferndale Library from 12 – 4 pm) features social networking elements, various Geek-propping paraphernalia (Geek Portraits/Geek Temporary Tattoos/personalized Geek Buttons), a What-Do-You-Geek sign-up-board and grassroots community initiatives aimed at drawing attention to the need for increased library support. Library users can post what-they-geek on our Geek Board or even pose for their own geek-profile-picture. The campaign’s main site (geekthelibrary.org) provides information about how people can get active and support their local library.
For many in the community without Internet access, the Library is their “digital connection,” a crucial service assuring educational opportunities, job-searching resources and entertainment during the recent economic downturn and ensuing slow-recovery. The increased demand for library services is taking a toll on libraries already experiencing flat or decreasing budgets. State and local cuts are impacting public library hours, programs and staffing, budgetary decisions and even forcing some to close indefinitely.
While most people visit the library regularly and already understand its important role in the community, they may not know that libraries are at risk or that local funding is heavily influenced by community members.
“There’s a ton of misinformation out there about library funding, but most of the time, nobody really wants to talk about it. Geek the Library invites that conversation, and it is our hope that with these vital conversations, everyone in our community will have a true understanding of how their library is funded and how their library can play a crucial role in their life.”
Geek the Library hopes to start a conversation, empowering your inner-Geek while inspiring people to take personal responsibility in preserving the vitality of the library in their community. The campaign will not support or oppose any candidate for public office nor attempt to influence legislation. When times get tough, the Geek-get-going!!!
Get Your Geek On. Show Your Support. Geekthelibrary.org
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Source: Ferndale Public Library