3 TON Fabric Sale–it’s the big one! October 12 – 20
We get out the sample boxes from Express in New York, the big upholstery pieces and this year, rolls and rolls of new fabric. Find cottons, retro polyester, satin and chiffon and more.
Spread the word–post this information on your FB page and foward to sewing/crafting/art friends.
Store specials during the fabric sale: $0.10 sample books and foam stuffing blocks
Return on Monday Oct. 22, 9:00 – 12:00 to help repack fabric and get a bag free.
Friday, Oct. 12 6:00 – 9:00 pm Presale Party $10 donation to programs bags $9.00
Saturday Oct. 13 10:00 – 4:00 bags $8.00
Tuesday Oct. 16 11:00 – 6:00 bags $6
Thursday Oct. 18 11:00 – 6:00 bags $6
Saturday Oct. 20 11:00 – 4:00 bags $4
Saturday, Oct. 27 S
Dinner, Auction and Halloween Costume Party at Techshop–win $250
Techshop is the area’s premier maker space, in Allen Park near the Lions Training Facility.
See machines that sew, cut, design, made 3D items, weld and more. It’s amazing! You can join for a month, quarter half year or year. They don’t assume you know anything and will teach every level of interest.
7:00 – 9:00 Dinner and tours
9:00 – 10:00 Costume Contest
9:00 – 12:00 DJ
Cash bar featuring microbrews from Dragonmead
Costume Contest: cash prizes of $250 in male and female categories–you choose which category you enter. TechShop members have a special contest for gift certificate for a class ($100 value).
7:00 $50 VIP: be a costume judge, VIP tour, first dinner seating, all auctions, DJ, Costume Contest
8:00 $35 level: quick tour, dinner, all auctions, DJ, Costume Contest
9:00 $20 level: silent auctions, DJ, Costume Contest
purchase tickets
What can you make for or can donate for the auction? We love to show off supporters’ art work. Gift certificates and other new items are also great. Contact Peg or drop off during store hours.
In the Hallway
Back to School specials:
– full cases of 8 1/2″ x 11″ pin fed paper; not for today’s printers, but great for scratch paper, drawing, etc. $1.00 box
– full cases of large envelopes to send papers home w/students or organize your student $2.00 case
New silk flowers; range from 3/$1.00 to $1.00 each–really nice
A nice rack of wallpaper, both bamboo and guild; people are using for book covers, purses, linings and more $3.00 to $5.00
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Source: Arts & Scraps