Resolutions. Who can get their hands on last year’s list? It’s probably wadded up back in a drawer somewhere with forgotten aspirations. I guess the problem is sometimes the goals just seem daunting and unachievable.
Little Means Big.
If you’re looking for some green and cause minded resolutions other than putting your recyclables to the curb each week, here are some pretty easy ones to stick to. Even past the first week of January.
• Smile every day. It makes a difference. Really.
• Give someone an unexpected hug once a week.
• Pay it forward. Go “no trace camping”, start a garden, donate a little time to a local cause or shelter, or lend a helping hand to a neighbor.
• Cut back on paper towels and use dish cloths or fabric napkins instead. You’ll help to eliminate the 3,000 tons of paper towels that end up in landfills EVERY DAY.
• Try re-usable bags at the grocery. Over 1 million plastic bags end up in the trash EVERY MINUTE, so pop some in your vehicle to always have one on hand.
You’re probably already doing some of these, but think of this list as a thought starters for your own “resolutions” list.
So Happy New Year, everyone – make it happen!
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Source: Birgit Keil, Just Bea