Spring. I don’t know about you, unless it’s weeds, don’t you just love seeing those fragile little green sprouts popping up out of the earth?
The incredible, versatile egg.
Speaking of fragile, did you know that you can use eggshells as seed pots? Here’s how.
- Crack the shells open, remove the egg, then rinse the shells.
- Pick the bottom of the shell with a thumbtack and make a hole for drainage.
- Fill the half shell with potting soil.
- Plant and tend your seeds as recommended on the back of seed package.
- Place them back in the egg-carton for support until ready to plant in the garden.
When it’s time to transplant them, gently crush the sides and bottom of the shell to let the root of your seedling grow into the earth. It’s biodegradable so you just plant the whole thing and the shell will easily compost. The eggshell contains soil-happy minerals and works as a fertilizer, too.
Egg salad to green salad – all from one egg. That’s most eggscellent!
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Source: Birgit Keil, Just Bea