The Scarab Club presents “Lucid Reveries,” a one night art exhibition of mixed media surreal paintings by Lindsey Harnish on Thursday May 16 from 6-10pm.
These works are an ongoing exploration of the interior life and how individuals are elements of a larger world. The exhibit will take place in the Scarab Club’s historic second floor lounge. Part of the Emerging Artist Showcase, it was curated by VATO and Adam Owen.
“Deep woodlands, abandoned buildings and haunted spaces are recurring motifs in my dreams,” Harnish observes, “and many of these paintings seek to convey the unsettling mystery of those spaces, but also lushness and a spirited loveliness.”
Harnish’s paintings often incorporate anatomical elements and woodland motifs to delve into the subtler nuances of human nature. “Exposed organs are an excellent metaphor for how one is guarded or transparent,” comments Harnish. “There’s an organic beauty to the human body—both seen and unseen. For instance, there are branching patterns in our structure–like veins and valves–that recur in nature. To me, this illustrates our relation to other life on this earth. We are fragments of the whole.” Harnish’s art is an eclectic blend of styles, with nods to Art Nouveau and Lowbrow as well as the whimsical pages of children’s picture books. “I aspire for my work to remain grounded in historical art movements, but to be dynamic, accessible and timely,” she says. Lindsey Harnish has been exhibited throughout metro Detroit, including the Damned Exhibition, District VII Gallery and Russell St Industrial Center.
“Lucid Reveries is my effort to convey the ineffable,” says Harnish, “scattered notions, vague dreams, but also the endurance of beauty amidst the dark. My art is a meditation on the symbiotic relationship of all life: humans, animals, plants and how they intertwine and have cohesion.” You can view Lindsey Harnish’s work online at:
The Scarab Club Emerging Artist program began in January of 2012. Curated by veteran artist and Scarab Vice-President, VATO, the program was created to spotlight metro Detroit artists of all mediums. The Scarab Club is using this program to help the community see and appreciate art that they may not have the opportunity to see or know about.
Although Scarab Club has had decades of events and exhibitions that cater to all ages, this Emerging Artist Series is the first of its kind. The spotlighted artists are hand picked and given the freedom to display and represent their work in their own solo show, with no commissions taken by the Scarab. There are many stories to be told in metro Detroit, and this showcase allows the artist sole freedom to show their vision and perspective, without a jury determining what should be seen.
This 2013 Series is hosted and curated by VATO and Adam Owen Layne at the Scarab Club, 217 Farnsworth Street, Detroit, MI 48202. Free and open to the public.
Source: Artist: Lindsey Harnish