Peace Love and Planet, Ecotelligent Homes and Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County (RRRASOC) are hosting an Eco Challenge to celebrate the debut of the environmental mini-series “Be the Solution”.
The event will take place at the Farmington Farmers Market on Saturday September 28th from 9:00 – 2:00 where we will encourage the community to choose one eco-friendly habit to incorporate into their lives. The mini-series touches on several areas where kids can make an impact on the environment and our Eco Challenge will highlight three of those topics; energy efficiency, recycling and transportation. Stop by to take the Eco Challenge and get tips from Peace Love & Planet, Ecotelligent Homes and The Recycle Authority to improve energy efficiency, increase your recycling efforts and reduce transportation pollution. It’s easier than you think!
If you’ld like more information about this event or to schedule an interview with Gina Adams-Levy, please call (248) 840-0248 or email Gina at
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Click here to be introduced to Ecotelligent Homes
Source: Ecotelligent Homes