The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan has joined and its 300+ organizations in the Metro Detroit area to promote its green technologies and services in addition to assisting customers with incentives and financing options. has created “The Big Green Umbrella” of information for home, commercial, and industrial solutions that supports the development of an environmentally sound future for a better tomorrow. is a Green Database Website that brings an information portal, educational portal and media sources together for the Metro Detroit region in an easy and interactive website. The website highlights companies that provide green products, services, and consultations for every walk of life. Each navigational display within the website opens another internal website for that specific theme whether it is home, lifestyle, communities, education, retail, commercial, transportation, industrial, government grants and tax incentives, Non Profits and jobs.
“Our definition of green is established in the following commitment: We will provide exposure to products or services that are sustainable and environmentally friendly, use locally-based ingredients, promote reduction of consumption, incorporate reused materials, encourage healthy behavior and/or support the local economy monetarily and humanitarianism,” said John Carlos, Founder of and Executive Director for
“We are very excited to join the “Green Movement” within the City of Detroit. Along with other civic, business and environmental leaders, we look forward to collaborating with connectors of resources to provide a broad range of green technologies and services to assist industrial and commercial customers with reducing operating costs and achieving energy savings,” said Scott Ringlein, Founder of and Director of Business Development for The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan.
The Energy Alliance Group (EAG) of Michigan, a division of the Energy Alliance Group of North America, is an energy solutions company providing energy saving products, technologies and services to their customers. Taking the guess work out of an overwhelming number of potential energy saving solutions, EAG provides the most effective technologies in terms of performance and life cycle costs. No upfront capital is required for qualified customers and project costs are fully paid for through incentives and the resultant energy savings. Through its network of partners and affiliates, EAG provides a broad range of technologies and services to assist industrial and commercial customers with reducing operating costs. EAG ensures its customers the greatest energy savings and maximum return on investment by guiding them through the complexity of technology & service choices, utility and tax incentives and project financing alternatives. For more information, visit or call 313-815-1141.’s mission is to provide and exhibit to the Metro Detroit geographic region a comprehensive website which highlights resources of new technologies and better ways of doing things. This includes the suppliers of green products and services, along with the social involvement of successful organizations, associations, governments, schools, and informational resources. By doing so, they support the development of an environmentally sound future for a better tomorrow. In April 2012, was selected as 101 of the Best and Brightest Sustainable Companies for having demonstrated the unique efforts and leadership skills in Green Initiatives, co-presented by Corp! Magazine, Davenport University, and dmStrategists. For more information, visit or call 248-388-2828.
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Source: The Energy Alliance Group