Almost one hundred professionals and contractors turned out the morning of February 21st at the Belle Isle Casino as a result of Belle Isle having become a state park earlier this month. Attendees were there to network, learn about contracting opportunities from the state and what projects might be forthcoming to improve infrastructure and the overall visitor experience on the island. Some of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff now in charge of Belle Isle were there to meet and greet attendees interested in learning about the departments’ future plans for the island.
First, attendees had the chance to meet new Belle Isle staff and enjoy a continental breakfast. The Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) was on site with staff and plenty of handouts illuminating their D2D business initiative, which is specifically intended to connect Detroit businesses with one another. By connecting Detroit supply and demand, the DEGC estimates a projected $2.5 Billion of new revenue for the city, 25% potential savings for local buyers and 7,700 potential new Detroit jobs. A major push for more D2D business opportunities will be a central theme of the DEGC in 2014 and moving forward.
Brian B. Watkins, Business Development Manager of the DEGC, kicked off the program with welcoming remarks. He was followed by Scott Pratt, Field Operations Chief for Southern Michigan and Mike Terrell, Acting Metro District Supervisor, both from the DNR Parks and Recreations Division, with more introductory comments. Chris Bahjet from the Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB) went through a slide presentation entitled “Contracting 101 – Design and Construction”. This presentation went through all the initial required steps on the DTMB’s website allowing professionals and contractors the tools to navigate the site to register, prepare and research, find opportunities, bid and debrief contracting opportunities.
After a break, Jenni Riehle, Vendor Outreach Coordinator from DTMB Procurement, spent time on her presentation aptly named “Contracting 201”. Her presentation involved an overview in procurement practices and procedures. Some of the topics covered included solicitation documents, prequalification programs and delegated state purchases. Ms. Riehle also covered proposal instructions, work statements, terms and conditions and MiDeal program which allows local units of government to purchase from state contracts.
Jason Fleming and Brenda Mikula, both from the DNR, spoke on “Concessions and Commercial Operating Agreements”. They covered lease agreements and working concessions on Belle Isle. Concluding remarks were offered by Scott Pratt. The program was held again in the afternoon and those in attendance learned much about how to contract with the state.
Source: Bob Mattler
ROBERT E. MATTLER, Associate Broker, Attorney and LEED AP BD+C, is Director of
Green Brokerage at Armada Real Estate Services in West Bloomfield, Michigan. He
speaks and writes about emerging green real estate issues in Michigan and
elsewhere. Bob is also the senior news correspondent for
For more information, contact Bob at Armada Real Estate (248) 855-1221; or by