Dear Friend of the Detroit River,
Please join us as a Volunteer for the 2014 Detroit River Water Festival on Belle Isle!
The Detroit River Water Festival will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2014 from 10 am – 1:30 pm.
Volunteer registration begins at 8:00am in front of the Belle Isle Aquarium. We ask that volunteers arrive by 8:30am for orientation and to help prepare for the Water Festival.
Sixth grade students from Detroit Public Schools and Windsor-Essex are invited to attend four 20-minute presentations on the island. Students will learn how water affects their daily lives and the important role they play in protecting this valuable natural resource. We expect over 800 students in 2014!
The primary role of volunteers will be to guide a class to its presentations. There will be a volunteer orientation the morning of the Water Festival to give instruction. We also need volunteer help for setup and cleanup of the event, as well as to support presenters. The event takes place outdoors and requires walking back and forth from the presentation locations.
Each volunteer will receive morning snacks, a boxed lunch and a Water Festival T-shirt. With your support and participation, we are able to offer the Water Festival learning experience without charge to the schools.
To volunteer, please register on-line at
Get the latest updates on the festival by checking our Facebook page and “Like” the festival!
Visit for more information about the event.
Source: DEQ
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