Consumers Energy, Michigan’s largest utility, will invest more than $150 million this year to strengthen and expand its natural gas system.
The gas system improvements will upgrade portions of Consumers Energy’s 29,000 miles of distribution and transmission gas pipelines that serve 1.7 million natural gas customers. The utility’s $82 million enhanced infrastructure program includes 59 projects to replace 88 miles of pipeline.
These projects are in addition to more than $68 million that Consumers Energy will spend this year to expand and enhance other areas of its statewide natural gas system. For example, more than $21 million to replace or move natural gas lines and related infrastructure due to civic improvement projects, such as road and sewer work; nearly $17 million to accommodate new business growth; $26 million to add more than 2,500 new customers that are switching from another heating fuel, such as propane; and more than $4 million to upgrade service to existing customers.
In addition to making improvements in order to provide safer and more reliable natural gas service, these efforts are putting more people to work in Michigan.