We will be demonstrating several fermentation techniques and will be providing samples of fermented foods and beverages.
To be covered:
*The good-old standby beverages like Kombucha and Milk Kefir
*Sophisticated Brined Vegetables like Curried Cauliflower and Beet Kvass
*Spending time with self-brined/pounded ferments like Sauerkraut and Fermented Onion Relish
*Fermented Salad Dressings using Kombucha and Kefir – Never buy grocery store dressings again!
Bring your own jar to take home starter cultures. If you have extra starter cultures to share, feel free to bring them.
Pre-registration required – $35 per person.
Register by calling (248) 828-8494 or email info@htnetwork.org or register at our NEW website, www.htnetwork.com (Pardon the dust! We are still under construction).
Source: HTN
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