SP is pleased to announce two of the featured speakers who will be participating in the Opening Night reception of the Summit on Accelerating on Innovation.
Nigel Francis, senior automotive adviser to the state of Michigan and senior vice president, Automotive Industry Office of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), will open the evening reception. In this role, Nigel is charged with developing, implementing and executing a comprehensive strategic plan and road map to promote, retain and grow the automotive industry in Michigan. He serves as the state’s central connection point for automotive industry stakeholders and engages with them to drive action that supports the industry and Michigan’s overall economic growth strategy.
Greg Hamel, Director, Business Strategy, Information Management and Non-Production Purchasing, Ford Motor Company, will deliver the keynote address at the evening reception. In this role, Greg leads development of Purchasing strategy, processes and tools and the approximate $20B annual buy for facilities, materials and services. Prior to this role he led Ford’s Global Material Cost, Tooling and Scale Efficiency function. Greg has been with Ford Motor Company since 1982. During that time he has served in a number of roles including Vehicle Engineering, Program Management, Powertrain Engineering and Calibration, Competitive Intelligence, Volume Planning and Cycle Planning and Strategy.
The 2nd Annual SP Summit on Accelerating Innovation brings together industry leaders and leading experts from across North America in the automotive industry, academia, and government to collaboratively explore opportunities to accelerate innovation to drive economic and environmental value.
To learn more about the 2014 Summit on Accelerating Innovation and opportunities to engage with automotive indusry leaders, visit http://summit.supplierspartnership.org
Source: Oakland University