The Energy Department today announced $10.5 million in available funding to support the design and operation of innovative marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) systems through survivability and reliability-related testing of these systems. Such advances will help these devices harness even more sustainable energy from the enormous potential of the nation’s oceans and rivers.
As part of its MHK technology research and development efforts, the Department is working to harness this largely untapped renewable energy resource that could provide clean, affordable energy to homes and businesses across the country’s coastal regions. The approximately six projects selected for funding will address the challenges that the ocean environment poses for MHK energy systems, which must operate in often harsh and unpredictable conditions for years.
The “Next-Generation Marine Energy Systems—Durability and Survivability” funding opportunity will focus on reducing the costs of MHK systems in the early stages of the development cycle—improving the likelihood of successful deployment in the future. By reducing uncertainty in MHK survivability, installation, operations, and maintenance, this funding opportunity will enable the cost-effective development of robust MHK technologies.
The funding opportunity includes two areas of interest:
Increasing survivability of wave energy converter systems, thus decreasing capital costs or extending their life spans.
Reducing uncertainty around the installation, operations, and maintenance of wave and current energy converters, thus decreasing their overall costs and increasing their ability to function over time.
Read the full funding opportunity announcement on the Energy Department’s Funding Opportunity Exchange website.
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy accelerates development and deployment of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and market-based solutions that strengthen U.S. energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality. Go to to learn more about our Water Power Program’s funding opportunities and efforts to develop innovative technologies capable of generating renewable, environmentally friendly, cost-competitive electricity from water resources. To learn more about how MHK devices capture energy from waves, tides and currents, view this Energy 101 video.
Source: US Dept of Energy
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