The WINTERNSHIP at the Strawbale Studio is one of most popular activities of the year ! Students live and learn on-site for a month in an wonderful rural wooded setting 1 hour north of Detroit. The program includes 4 weekend workshops which are also open to the public: Thatching & Reed Collection, Round Pole Framing, Rocket Stove , Earth Plasters and Sculpting. Other monthly activities and classes include, natural building lectures, fermenting, Permaculture Meetup & Full Moon Potluck.
This month-long experience includes helping with and attending all workshops during this time : Rocket Stove, Round Pole framing, Reed Collection & Thatching demo, and being part of other sustainable living projects at the Strawbale Studio. During the week, there will be classes on basics of design, foundation, wall systems, and sculpting of a small cob model and other activities relating to the workshop skills. Daily life includes fermenting ~ sourdough, sour kraut and other sustainable living skills ~ worm composting, hay box cooking. Winterns are invited to attend the Oakland County Permaculture Meetup (local) and the monthly Full Moon Potluck,(Strawbale Studio). During the month participants all help with cooking and household activities. Monthly fee includes room, board and all activities and materials. There are several openings for half/pay worktraders, who would be assisting with the running of the center for 10 hours per week (office, grounds, reed collection, household).
Two fee options:
$850 early bird special paid 2 months in advance / $950 prepaid 1 mo. in advance / $1025 thereafter if there is room.
“1/2 pay WORKTRADER”
4 spaces available at 1/2 the above rates
Fees include room & board, all workshops, activities & materials. Worktraders help with infrastructure for 10 per week ( firewood and grounds, cooking & cleaning, office work & publicity). Participate in all other activities.
Biography: Deanne Bednar is the primary instructor. 2 guest experts will also visit and teach during your stay. Deanne has been doing natural building since 1996 and before that, taught Middle School Art and Sustainability for 28 years. Illustrated 3 books on Natural Building, Masters in Social Ecology. Teaches thatching, cob, strawbale, earth plaster, rocket stove, earth oven construction.
Workshop Dates that are part of the program:
Jan 13th Oakland County Permaculture Meetup
Jan 16 & 17, 2016 ROUND POLE framing
Jan 23 & 24, 2016 ROCKET STOVE Workshop
Jan. 23, 2016 Full Moon Potluck
Jan 30 & 31, 2016 EARTH PLASTER & SCULPTING.
Brief Application form for the Winternship and other 2015 Internship options.
Source: Strawbale Studio