Oakland County Resources Commissioner Jim Nash was re-elected for a second four year term. Nash, 60, was a county commissioner before winning his first term as Water Resources Commissioner in a close election in 2012. This year’s voting had Nash win the election by a much more substantial margin.
“I want to thank the voters of Oakland County for their faith and support that will allow me to dedicate another four years in the service of protecting our lakes, rivers, and streams. I also want to thank the folks who work for the WRC and who help provide the excellent levels of service to our customers across the whole breadth of Oakland County,” said Nash this morning in Farmington Hills.
Nash began a strategic planning process in 2013 aimed at improving services over the next five years for customers in all of the communities served by the WRC. He created a not- for-profit organization called Pure Oakland Water that sponsors educational river festivals and environmental programs for youth, as well as funding internships and scholarships for students entering the field of water conservation and environmental engineering. He led efforts to rein in oil and gas drilling and prevent fracking in the county, and is currently leading efforts to help communities secure resources for efforts to reduce storm water flooding and pollution.
Nash, a Democrat, became known for working with leaders of both parties, and received support from several traditionally Republican communities. In 2015, he was named Environmentalists of the Year by the Michigan Sierra Club.
Source: WRC