The 2016 annual statements for limited liability companies (LLC) and professional limited liability companies (PLLC) are being mailed to resident agents of record with the CSCL Corporations Division. LLCs and PLLCs are required to file the annual statement by February 15 of each year. The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Corporations, Securities and Commercial Licensing Bureau (CSCL) made the announcement today.
Section 207 of the Michigan Limited Liability Company Act, Public Act 23 of 1993, effective June 1, 1993, provides that all domestic limited liability companies and foreign limited liability companies authorized to transact business in Michigan are required to file an annual statement each year. In addition, Section 209 of the Act requires professional limited liability companies to file an annual report listing all of the members of the PLLC. Annual statements and reports must be filed no later than February 15 of each year and can be filed online at
These sections also provide that if a limited liability company fails to file its annual statement/report and filing fee for two years, the limited liability company will not be in good standing. The status of the limited liability company will be “active, but not in good standing.”
A limited liability company that is not in good standing is not entitled to a certificate of good standing; its company name will be available for use by another entity, and no document will be filed on behalf of the company other than a certificate of restoration.
The links to the applicable sections of the Limited Liability Company Act, (Section 207a (3)) and (Section 909 (4)), are and, respectively.
There are a total of 419,315 LLCs and 12,199 PLLCs that are receiving 2016 statements (LLCs) and statements and reports (PLLCs).