On Thursday (12/15/2016) night, legislators in Lansing finally passed a comprehensive energy package after more than a year of discussion about Michigan’s energy future. The vote was bipartisan and came in the waning hours of the lame-duck session.
We will learn more in the coming days and weeks about what this legislation will ultimately mean for companies working in Michigan’s energy efficiency industry. For now, here is a brief summary of provisions more relevant to our membership, and other notable provisions from the two-bill energy package.
The passage of this policy comes just days after MEECA announced its support for the bills.
Thanks to all MEECA members who have educated lawmakers and staff during this legislative session about the importance of EE in Michigan! A special thank you to David Gard for creating this summary for our members.
Get your tickets to MEECA’s Annual Gala before the Early Bird Special ends on January 7th. We are currently engaging with several options for key note speakers, with our final selection to be announced soon!
Now Hiring: Executive Director
The MEECA Board of Directors are working to hire a part-time Executive Director to lobby on behalf of our membership and help with our organizations administrative matters. Please visit our website for details about the position and instructions on how to apply.
Source: MEECA