News Summary: Henry Ford College’s 44th Annual Women’s Recognition Luncheon is Friday, March 24. Event proceeds support the Student Emergency Fund administered by HFC Student Outreach and Support.
February 13, 2017, Dearborn, Mich. —Henry Ford College (HFC) will host the 44th Annual Women’s Recognition Luncheon on Friday, March 24, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This annual event takes place in the Student and Culinary Arts Center (Building M), located on the main campus.
Proceeds from this event support the Student Emergency Funds administered by HFC Student Outreach and Support (SOS).
A tin can raffle and silent auction will begin at 11 a.m. Ticket prices for the raffle are on sale for $2 each or three for $5. The luncheon and program will begin at noon. The purpose of the luncheon is to raise money to support SOS and its Student Emergency Fund, which provides financial assistance to HFC students with unforeseen emergency needs to help them stay in school and complete their education. Last year’s Women’s Recognition Luncheon raised $11,000.
“I am very pleased that this annual event raised $11,000 last year alone to support the emergency fund. Each year, more and more students access the emergency fund. It addresses minor financial emergencies – a lost textbook, minor car repairs, bus passes, short-term childcare, the list goes on – that could force a student to drop out of school. This money has been carefully distributed to help as many students as possible,” Dr. Brenda Hildreth, HFC SOS coordinator.
This year, HFC will honor Najah Bazzy as the 2017 Gene L. Brazell Community Role Model Award Winner during the Luncheon. Bazzy is the executive director/founder of Zaman International in Inkster, which is an organization that aims to help marginalized women and children by providing them with essential life needs. Learn more about Zaman by visiting
Since its founding in 1996, Zaman has applied a needs-based, community-driven approach to all programming to help households meet their basic needs and break the cycle of poverty. Zaman is dedicated to addressing the diverse needs of its clients. Unlike most organizations, Zaman is flexible and willing to work outside of strict programs and policies to respond quickly and effectively to client needs by developing personal relationships with them through home visits and meeting with them regularly to identify the specific assistance they need. In addition to local assistance, Zaman also spreads hope throughout the world through its international disaster and relief efforts.
Bazzy is a transcultural clinical nurse specialist and diversity specialist. She has an extensive background in critical care nursing with special expertise in cross-cultural health care, beliefs and practices. She is a global leader in medical ethics, philanthropy, nursing and interfaith dialogue.
“Najah Bazzy is a dedicated, compassionate and respected member of the community. She has been an invaluable asset in her work helping many households break the cycle of poverty. I cannot think of a candidate who’s more deserving to be this year’s Community Role Model than Najah Bazzy,” said Dr. Lisa Copprue, HFC vice president of Student Affairs.
The 2017 Women’s Recognition Luncheon Committee seeks nominations for the 2017 Women’s Recognition Award recipient. This award honors a female College employee who has made an outstanding contribution to HFC students, staff and/or community. Established more than 40 years ago, this award recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of college women. HFC will present this award at the Luncheon. All nominees will be invited to attend.
If you would like to submit a nomination(s), please send a one-page document specifying the reasons for your nomination. Please cite specific examples. Submit your nominations to Cyndi Parrelly at or via inter-office mail (in care of the Welcome Center). The deadline for nominations is Friday, Feb. 17.
Contributions to the Women’s Recognition Luncheon may be made by check or money order payable to the HFC Foundation. The deadline is Friday, March 17. Please mail your donation to the address below:
Foundation Office
Henry Ford College
5101 Evergreen
Dearborn, MI 48128-1495
There are seven sponsorship levels:
- Platinum Sponsorship: $2,500 – This sponsorship package includes 10 tickets for the luncheon. Tax deductible gift of $2,350.
- Gold Sponsorship: $1,000 – This sponsorship package includes six tickets for the luncheon. Tax deductible gift of $910.
- Silver Sponsorship: $500 – This sponsorship package includes four tickets for the luncheon. Tax deductible gift of $440.
- Bronze Event Luncheon Sponsorship: $300 – This sponsorship packages includes two tickets for the luncheon. Tax deductible gift of $270.
- Pearl Sponsorship: $100 – This sponsorship package does NOT include any tickets for the luncheon. Tax deductible gift of $100.
- Luncheon Ticket: $35 – This sponsorship package includes only one ticket for the luncheon. Tax deductible gift of $15.
- Straight Donation: Any Amount – Every $50 donation helps one student remain in school. This is a 100 percent tax deductible gift.
“Your generosity will allow these students to concentrate on what is most important – their education and future,” said Hildreth.
Major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and Discover) are accepted. Sponsors can also donate online Please select “Other” as the gift designation and add sponsorship level and/or number of tickets in the comments section. Donors may also phone in their charge to the HFC Office of Development at 313-317-6839.
If you would like to donate an item for the raffle or the silent auction, please send your item to Diana Larson in care of the address above. You may also contact her at 313-17-6839 or All donations – monetary and otherwise – must be received by Friday, March 17. For questions or further information, please call 313-845-9610.
Source: Henry Ford Community College
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