I always write about my Expo experiences from a positive, honest experience, so I must confess that my first impression was that the event was was small, with fewer vendors and people than I expected. However, first impressions are not always the most accurate, and quality bests quantity every time. After a few hours, I felt incredibly fortunate for having had the opportunity to attend, and that more people were unable to experience the productive and enlightening time I had. Simply put; you DO NOT want to miss this event next year, as you would benefit and enjoy entirely different vendors. There was something for everyone…Dr. Maruszewski shocked me by discovering a few medical annoyances I’ve had for years though a very simple, quick, almost “fun” reflexive test. I can’t imagine how she discovered that I had a bit of fungus growing under my toenail or that I suffered from occasional digestive issues. She took the time to explain to me exactly what it was that she would be able to do for me at her clinic in Troy, and I’m eager to set up an appointment with her next week (if there is an opening) for both myself and my best friend. If the Natural Healing Center of Troy was the only vendor at the entire Expo, I would have considered the entire event well worth my time.
I graciously accepted a complementary massage from both BodyWorks Chiropractic & Soft Tissue Center, as well as Body Therapy Massage (BTM). The incredibly relaxing Swedish-type massage put me into “the zone” in just minutes. Without exaggeration, while not even tired, I almost fell asleep in under five minutes. Normally, accusing someone of putting you to sleep could be considered an insult but, in this instance, it is high praise indeed. Body Therapy Massage was the complete opposite with incredibly therapeutic deep tissue massage. While not relaxing, I could actually feel her “steel vice-grip” hands destroy some of the stress-induces knots in my muscles. An hour on her massage table is exactly what my sporty, stressed out body craves, and I’m going to treat myself soon. Whether you need chiropractic cervices, or a relaxing or deep tissue massage, I strongly recommend both of these companies.
I work out hard. For that reason, I was excited to learn more about OrangeTheory Fitness. Two young, fit employees enthusiastically explained the heart-rate based interval training they provided in a fun and energizing group environment. Their high-intensity workout is scientifically designed to keep heart rates in a target zone that spikes metabolism and increases energy, which they call the “afterburn.” I am excited to use the free session I signed up for, and hope I won four free sessions in the raffle. I can’t write about the session itself until I experience it, but I will admit my expectations are very high.
Have you ever been convinced to eat or shop somewhere because the name of the place was so extremely clever? For me, Nosh Pit Detroit Food Truck fits the bill. Nosh Pit! If I were to ever start my own small restaurant or food truck, that’s exactly what I would have named it…if I were more clever. But of course Nosh Pit is more than a name, it’s healthy vegetarian and vegan food, using only non GMO and organic ingredients whenever possible. They source locally, don’t fry, and include veggies and fruit in every dish. Consider them for their clever name, but eat their food because it is actually HEALTHY FOOD!
Power Home Remodeling Group may not have a clever name, cure your stomach-ache, or provide free food or massages, but the two young men representing the energy efficient home remodeling products were extremely outgoing, friendly, knowledgeable, and good at their job. I originally had no intention of signing up for a free estimate but, after a good conversation about my investment home, I’m now convinced that I could greatly increase its curb appeal with an investment of a few thousand dollars, which could increase my future asking price many more thousands when I sell in a few years. My estimate will occur tomorrow, but I’m confident that it will be a positive experience.
I greatly enjoyed my interactions with the above mentioned vendors, as well as many others. I even learned about grounding from two men who weren’t there to sell something, they just volunteered their time to educate anyone who cared to learn about a non-food/supplement way to decrease the oxidation that occurs in all of us all the time. The rest of my time I was able to pay attention to the free live musical entertainment and was greatly impressed by a 14-year-old young woman who I believe could have quite the impressive music career ahead of her.
It was a small but fantastic event, and you do not want to miss it next year!