Jim Newman will be a guest panelist at the DTE/ESD Energy Efficiency Conference and Exhibition. He is the “surprise guest” of Andy Levin, president of Levin Energy Partners and founder of Lean & Green Michigan, on the topic “PACE Financing for Any Industry.”
PACE financing, or Property Assessed Clean Energy, solves the twin problems that have long plagued comprehensive deep energy retrofits: large up-front costs and long pay-backs. In this session, Jim joins Andy to give concrete examples of how PACE helps transform buildings of many shapes, sizes and uses. In addition attendees will hear from owners of two very different buildings where Newman Consulting Group is currently conducting energy-conserving retrofits.
The only one of its kind in Michigan, the Conference is designed to educate small-to-large commercial and industrial businesses on energy technology, products, and services that will assist them in successful energy management. Tue., May 9, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Suburban Collection Showplace, Novi, MI. (note corrected date!)
The conference features educational tracks in technology, industrial, commercial and financial areas. Visit with dozens of exhibitors offering energy-related products and services. Plus learn about this year’s award-winning energy efficiency initiatives. Click here to register.
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