News Summary: Henry Ford College and Wayne State University recently signed an articulation agreement between the HFC Associate of Arts in Telecommunication and Wayne State’s Bachelor of Arts in Film or Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts and Studies.
June 28, 2017, Dearborn, Mich. — Henry Ford College (HFC) recently signed an articulation agreement with Wayne State University in Detroit regarding HFC’s Associate of Arts in Telecommunication (TCM) and Wayne State’s Bachelor of Arts in Film or its Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts and Studies programs.
Present at the signing on June 8 were HFC President Dr. Stan Jensen; Dr. Michael Nealon, HFC Vice President of Academic Affairs; Susan McGraw, HFC Academic Coordinator of Telecommunication and Journalism; Dr. Matthew W. Seeger, Dean of the Wayne State College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts; Dr. Lezlie Hart, Associate Director of Student Services for the Wayne State College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts; Dr. Ahmad M. Ezzeddine, Associate Vice President of Wayne State Educational Outreach and International Programs; and Douglas Freed, Director of Wayne State Educational Outreach.
“HFC has always had a good relationship with Wayne State. Henry Ford College and Wayne State University are both committed to serving students with excellence. This agreement exemplifies our partnership which will greatly benefit all of our students,” said Jensen.
HFC students who plan to earn their Associate of Arts in TCM and later transfer to Wayne State to complete an undergraduate degree in either film or media arts and studies will be able to transfer up to 73 credits to Wayne State. This means that every TCM class and every general education class taken at HFC, while following the course layout structured in this plan, will count at Wayne State. In fact, the plan is designed for students to get a headstart on their major and fulfill the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA).
“This articulation agreement saves students both time and money. Whether students study film or media studies when they transfer to Wayne State, the TCM curriculum here at HFC provides a solid foundation with small class sizes, hands-on experience and rigorous training in the field of telecommunication,” said McGraw.
McGraw and Hart took the lead on this articulation agreement, collaborating on it for nearly a year to ensure that every credit hour from HFC would carry over to Wayne State.
“Every course taken as part of the associate degree counts toward the 4-year degree at Wayne State. Not a single credit hour is wasted,” said Hart.
As time-consuming as working on this articulation agreement was, both McGraw and Hart agreed it was a pleasurable experience to work with educators from the two institutions.
“Both sides learned a great deal about each other’s programs. It was worth every detailed dialogue to ensure we were getting the best agreement in place for our TCM students here at HFC to ensure that transfer to Wayne State would be seamless. When students graduate from HFC and transfer to Wayne State, they’re completely prepared to continue their rigorous media-related coursework as they complete their bachelor’s degree and one day work in this exciting field,” said McGraw.
For questions and/or further information about the HFC TCM program, contact McGraw at (313) 845-9842 or
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