After a two-day bench trial, a federal court in Florida has ruled that grocery chain Winn-Dixie’s website is inaccessible to individuals who require screen reader software. The court concluded that Winn-Dixie violated the Americans With Disabilities Act (“ADA”) as a result of this inaccessibility. Plaintiff Juan Carlos Gil, a visually impaired customer of Winn-Dixie, alleged that he was denied the full and equal enjoyment of the grocer’s goods, services, facilities, privileges and advantages because of his disability.
While courts have held that other websites, including those of Target Corporation and Netflix, Inc., are subject to the ADA, this decision is the first that follows an actual trial. The court found it unnecessary to decide whether the Winn-Dixie website is, itself, a “public accommodation” under the ADA, but instead ruled that the site is “heavily integrated with physical store locations and operates as a gateway” to those physical locations and therefore must be ADA compliant. Winn-Dixie apparently plans to appeal the decision.
Access the court’s opinion here. Contact us at Ossian Law regarding any information technology law question.
“Copyright Compliance Online And Off 2017”
Ossian Law P.C.
Wed., Sept. 13, 2017 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
701 Woodward Heights, Suite 117, Ferndale, MI 48220
Unauthorized use of software, oversharing subscription-based content and posting images and text on your website without proper permission are just a few examples of potential copyright violations. Information Technology attorney Kathy Ossian will offer steps to help keep your organization copyright compliant, address the limits of fair use and ways to keep your own creative content from being used without permission. Networking from 5:30 – 6:00 with presentation from 6:00 – 7:00. Complimentary admission. Heavy hors d’oeuvres are included. Space is limited. Register here today!
“The Legal Side of SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud) and Why it Matters”
Michigan Council of Women in Technology
Tues., January 9, 2018 5:30 p.m.
More information to come!