You’ve probably heard of a pardon before but a Canadian National Pardon is completely different than what the term means in the rest of the world. Of course, to make sure that you need a pardon in Canada, you need to first understand what it is. This article is meant as a tool that will help you understand what this pardon aims to achieve in Canada. Based on that, you can decide whether or not you want to pursue one.
Pardons in Canada
In the rest of the world, a pardon may be associated with interrupting or cancelling one’s sentence. In this situation, the convicted person is acquitted of accusations and can walk as a free citizen once more. The purpose of the pardon in this context is to admit that the state has made a mistake or that the person behind bars shouldn’t be there.
In Canada, a pardon means something completely different. If you want to get a pardon in Canada, you first need to complete the sentence for the crime you are accused of. That doesn’t make a lot of sense in the context of having your sentence cancelled, but that’s not the purpose of a Canadian National Pardon. In Canada, the role of the pardon is to erase the convicted person’s criminal record.
Why apply for a pardon in Canada?
As mentioned before, such a pardon is granted to those that have already completed their sentence. Even if they get to walk free after completing their sentence, the fact that they have a record will make things extremely difficult for them to engage in some social activities such as getting a job. If no one wants to hire you because you have a criminal record, you might want to get a pardon which would clear your criminal record. You can’t cross into the United States either if you have a criminal recorded so if you intend on taking your business to the US, you will also need a pardon if you have a criminal record.
What does a pardon signify?
In Canada, a pardon is the official acknowledgement of the state that you are not a dangerous or otherwise unfit for society human being. Once you complete your sentence, a pardon will let those around you know that you are completely rehabilitated. In a more formal manner, a pardon represents the fact that you have atoned for your crimes and are currently detached from any kind of illegal activity you might have taken part of in the past. Similarly, it also shows that you have cut all ties with criminals or citizens that don’t abide the law.
Source: Globex Marketing