How are you feeling? Do you ever feel weighed down by daily stress and anxiety? I wouldn’t be surprised since we live in a world jam-packed with crazy schedules and the pressure to do a million things at once. I get it if you think that stress-free living is impossible. But now more than ever, we have to find ways to decompress and shake off that stress. It’s a silent killer that creeps up on us and significantly elevates our risk for disease and premature death.
The good news is that a couple of my favorite easy and fun ways to fight stress have recently been proven to be even better and healthier for us than we realized!
Yoga and meditation are not only proven effective stress-busters … they can actually change the way your genes respond to stress. I’m not even kidding. These mindfulness practices affect you on the cellular level. What can that mean for you?
- A life with less stress, depression and anxiety.
- A reduction in disease-causing inflammation.
- More relaxation, better sleep, sharper focus and more happiness!
Am I convincing you to grab that yoga mat yet? Click here to discover how even a few minutes of yoga or meditation every day can be a game-changer for you!
I also talked in more depth about How Mindfulness Is Changing Your DNA on my Facebook Live this week. If you missed it live you can watch it back here.
Make healthy living a part of every day!
Dr. Partha Nandi
Special Limited Time Offer on the International Best Selling Book, ASK DR. NANDI – 5 STEPS TO BECOMING YOUR OWN HEALTH HERO
Dr. Nandi’s PBS Special HOW TO BE A HEALTH HERO airs in over 120 cities across the US in August. View airing schedule cities/dates/times.
Ask Dr. Nandi is now on Discovery Life every Monday at 8:00 am!
Source: Ask Dr. Nandi
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