August 29, 2017
LANSING, Mich. – Join Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) staff members as they tour the state in September to receive public comments on developing an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) structure that electric utilities will follow in their filings with the state. Each of the MPSC Commissioners will join staff at one of three public hearings in Livonia, Grand Rapids and Marquette.
Utilities will use IRPs as they look ahead at how to meet the electric needs in their service areas. The plans will include assessments of energy waste reduction, supply adequacy, demand response, impact of state or federal environmental laws on utilities, and other issues. The IRPs (Case. No. U-18418) are required under the state’s new energy laws, which went into effect in April and are expected to result in more affordable and reliable service for utility customers throughout Michigan.
A draft plan, related information and documents are available here.
WHO: Michigan Public Service Commission, Michigan Agency for Energy and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
WHAT: Three public hearings around the state to provide information about the IRP process, take comments, and answer questions from the public.
- Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1-5 p.m., Schoolcraft College, 18600 Haggerty Road, Livonia, 48152-2696. MPSC Commissioner Rachael Eubanks will attend.
- Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1-5 p.m., L.V. Eberhard Center, 301 West Fulton, Room 210, Grand Rapids, 49504. MPSC Chairman Sally Talberg will attend.
- Tuesday, Sept. 19, 12-4 p.m., Northern Michigan University, University Center-Huron/Erie Room, 1401 Presque Isle, Marquette, 49855. MPSC Commissioner Norm Saari will attend.
Comments can also be submitted by mail or electronically. The deadline is Oct. 6 for comments and Oct. 20 for replies to comments. Mail comments to Executive Secretary, Michigan Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 30221, Lansing, MI 48909 or email them to Be sure to reference Case No. U-18418 in all correspondence.
For more information about the MPSC, please visit or sign up for one of its listservs to keep up to date on MPSC matters.
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