Attorney Kim Gibbs has wasted no time starting her campaign for Royal Oak City Commissioner. She’s been door knocking and talking to residents for months. It’s paying off. Friends, colleagues and supporters filled the city’s Royal Canadian Legion on 11 Mile Road on September 12 to show their support.
Gibbs states she is tired of all residents, especially those outside of downtown, being completely ignored.. As a taxpayer and resident home owner of 15 years, she decided she wanted to be a more representative voice for the neighborhoods. “I want to know where and for what our tax dollar is spent on, not a cover up song and dance. If we pay a special millage for public safety or roads, I want that money going for those specific uses, NOT the general fund.”
As an attorney, she knows that no contract is written in stone. A signed and sealed contract can be revised. Any word in the document can be changed and thereby change the substance. She wants to make sure Royal Oak is powered and governed by responsibility and integrity.
When asked what she felt were two of the greatest challenges facing the city right now, Gibbs states: City Center Project – the backroom deals and no bid contracts – it was handed to the developer – the developer was sold the property for a dollar, the current City Commission gave Boji $5.5 million of our tax dollars to fund the project. There was no vote and the city is maxing out our credit card, again.
The library, Farmers Market, and main parking lot behind the Main Street business will be damaged due to the project, states Richard Karlowski, another candidate.
Voters need to know what’s going on; there’s no transparency.
“November 8th will be a brand new start for Royal Oak. Let’s bring it back to real life and allow the residents to be heard, instead of being told what to do.”
You can direct your questions, comments, and concerns to Kim Gibbs directly by email to votekimgibbs@yahoo.com or call 248-514-4472. Please follow the campaign at www.facebook.com/votekimgibbs and Twitter: @VoteKimGibbs