It is that special time of the year where family members look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving and spending time together. This holiday is an opportunity to cherish our loved ones and count the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us. For many, the recession and economic downturn have made this a hard to achieve goal. This is where we come in and where YOU
For the past eleven years, LAHC has proudly distributed over ten thousand turkeys to families in dire need. To many, it is a simple turkey bird. To these families, it is a holiday celebration and a treasured family time they will remember for years to come.
I hope you will consider making a Tax-Deductible Contribution by becoming a sponsor of our 12th Annual Turkey Drive. Below are sponsorship levels and opportunities for your consideration:
o Presenting: $5,000: Logo Prominently Displayed on Main Banner; Welcoming Remarks During Distribution Event; Recognition in all Media Releases; Logo displayed on event homepage; 5 advertisements spots in LAHC E-News Letter reaching out to over 20,000 individuals.
o Gold: $3,500: Logo Prominently Displayed on Main Banner; Recognition in all Media Releases; Logo displayed on event homepage; 3 advertisements spots in LAHC E-News Letter reaching out to over 20,000 individuals.
o Silver: $1,500: Logo Prominently Displayed on Main Banner; Recognition in all Media Releases.
o Bronze: $1,000: Recognition in Media Releases
o Family Sponsor: $100.00
o Other: ……….
Furthermore, make it a day where you, along with your family members and colleagues, will join us during the turkey distribution and meet the families you’ve helped to celebrate Thanksgiving this year!
Please make your check payable to LAHC and send it to: 835 Mason St. Suite A-160. Dearborn, MI. 48124 or if you wish to pay by credit card, fill out the online donation form below.
Source: LAHC
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