Do you live in a metropolitan area that has tons of bike lanes and paths? Taking advantage of these pathways is a great idea and can help you get to work on time. Most people think that biking to work is too difficult, but the fact is there are a number of benefits to doing this. If the area you live in has things like cycle lane separator mechanisms, then you will not have to worry about cars getting near you while biking. The following are just some of the reasons why biking to work can be beneficial.
1. Biking is A Lot Cheaper Than Driving
If you are like most people, finding ways to save money is a main concern. Driving to work in a car on a daily basis can cost you a lot of money over time. Some estimates have the yearly cost of owning a car at nearly $9.000. Most of the money you pay to own a car will go for things like gas, insurance and car payments. The yearly cost of having a bike is only about $300. Instead of wasting money on a vehicle, especially if you live close to work, you can take advantage or riding a bike. The money that you save on changing your mode of transportation can be better invested in a variety of other things.
2. It’s Like a Gym on Wheels
Are you looking to lose a few unwanted pounds? One of the best ways to accomplish this is by taking your bike to work on a regular basis. For years, people have used biking to get their cardio exercise in on a daily basis. Instead of going to the gym, you can save that money and use your bike as your workout. America is in an obesity epidemic and you can be the conduit for change by showing your friends and family how easy it is to exercise. You will be able to lose weight and avoid serious health issues by getting this type of routine workout.
3. No More Morning Traffic Jams
Among the most stressful parts of driving to work on a daily basis is dealing with traffic. If you live in a larger city, you know all too well just how hard it can be to get to work in rush hour traffic. With a bike, you will be able to leave your home later and get to work on time with ease. The bike lanes that you find in most metropolitan areas usually have little to no traffic. Rather than getting your stress levels up due to a case of road rage, you can take your bike to work and actually enjoy your commute.
4. Business Can Avoid Wasting Money On Lost Productivity
For most business owners, finding a way to maximize productivity levels is a must. If your employees are always late due to being stuck in traffic, this can lead to a lot of productivity being lost. Encouraging employees to bike to work can save you a lot of time and money. Even if a business owner has to provide their workers with these bikes, it will be well worth the money they invest.
5. There Are Tax Credits Available
Did you realize that there are tax breaks for people who take a bike to work for more than 3 days a week? Since 2012, the IRS has offered a tax free reimbursement of $20 a month to cyclists who commute to work. Taking advantage of this tax break will allow you to save a lot of money. With all of the benefits that come with biking to work, there is no logical reason not to give it a try.
The team at Zicla provide the cycle tracks needed in major cities. Visit their website to get a look at their products and to find out more about what they do.