Friends of the Rouge members re-elected two board members and elected four new board members at our Annual Election on December 13, 2017. Incumbents Andrew Hoffman and Susan Thompson were re-elected. New board members who joined FOTR are: Manja Holland, John Kelly, Mike McNulty, and Betsy Palazzola. Congratulations to all who were elected and thank you to all who voted.
For the first time ever, absentee voting was made available to members who were unable to attend the election in person. This resulted in an increase of votes and will likely continue into the future.
This year’s election was a great opportunity to introduce our members to FOTR’s latest and greatest educational tool, our 3-D terrain model. We appreciate all of you who contributed money, time, talent, and energy so generously in order for us to have this created. This invaluable tool will help Rouge River watershed citizens understand the terrain within their watershed basin and see how it relates to where they live and work. It will also help them to visualize how and where water flows into the Rouge River during rain events and understand the pervasiveness of non-point source pollution. Watch for it at our next big event!
We are sorry to say good bye to some very dedicated and talented board members whose hard work helped us realize our successes. Anne Naszradi, Chester Marvin, Emily Lowery and Keith Armitage will all be missed. We appreciate their hard work and dedication to our mission and hope that they will be able to continue their involvement in our programs. We wish them the best of luck and much success.
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