FTC Considers “Informational Injury” for Data Breaches
Victims of data breaches are often unable to find a remedy without sustaining actual monetary damages. That could change if the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) pursues a path toward “informational injury,” which could impose a deemed harm to data breach subjects. In December 2017, the FTC held a workshop on informational injury to “examine more thoroughly the range of injuries that can occur from privacy and data security incidents,” according to Acting FTC Chair Ohlhausen.
The FTC identified the workshop goals to include gaining a better way to identify different types of injury to consumers and businesses, as well as understanding how consumers and businesses would consider such injuries and risks vis-à-vis collecting, storing, using and sharing information.
While consumer advocates would hail the institution of informational injury as a basis to compensate victims and perhaps encourage more robust security measures by organizations, such a step also raises practical matters, such as how to measure an informational injury.
Access Acting FTC Chair Olhausen’s full remarks from the December 12, 2017 here. Contact us at Ossian Law regarding any information technology law question.
“2018 Hot Topics in Information Technology Law”
Ossian Law P.C.
701 Woodward Heights, Suite 117 Ferndale, MI 48220
Thurs., January 25, 2018 6:00-7:30 p.m.
“Fake News” and Social Media, Biometric Data Laws, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies, Net Neutrality, Drone Regulation — these are just some of the topics that Information Technology lawyer Kathy Ossian will cover in this informative session. Networking from 6:00 – 6:30 with presentation from 6:30 – 7:30. Complimentary admission. Heavy hors d’oeuvres are included. Space is limited. Register here today! ______________________________
Marketing You & Your Law Firm in the 21st Century”
State Bar of Michigan Law Practice Management & Legal Administrators Section Basset Law 2046 Hogback, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Sat. Jan. 27, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – noon
Learn e-marketing strategies used by the 21st century lawyer
Learn to write like a marketer and not a lawyer
Review the marketing ethics rules
Discuss traditional & electronic marketing
Learn about the benefits of Zeekbeek & more
Speakers: Rebecca Simkins Nowak, Kathryn Ossian, John Reed, & Vince Romano
Register here today!
“Social Media 2018: Addressing Corporate Risks”
Kathy Ossian, CEO of Ossian Law P.C. will be moderating the in-house counsel panel, “A View from the Trenches”
Practicing Law Institute
San Francisco, Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018
New York, Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018
Register here for either San Francisco or New York
Have a suggestion for a future IT Law Alert or presentation topic? Let us know here
Kathy Ossian was nominated by the Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan as a AFP “Distinguished Volunteer”. Read more here.