Michigan Agency for Energy offers discounts for public building operators to attend
training in 2018 that reaps big energy savings
Classes scheduled throughout Michigan
The Michigan Agency for Energy (MAE) today announced it is offering a $400 discount for public building operators who attend building operator certification (BOC) classes this year. Classes have been scheduled in the Grand Rapids, Saginaw, and Lansing areas, with another slated for Detroit later in the year.
In addition to the MAE discount, participants could also be eligible for utility rebates and a veteran’s discount. To be eligible for the $400 MAE discount, participants cannot receive more than $1,150 from other parties.
The goal of the MAE discount is to achieve more energy savings in public buildings by reducing energy waste.
“Last year, 43 individuals were trained in Michigan, thanks to financial assistance from MAE,” said Valerie Brader, MAE executive director. “To build on that success, MAE is offering discounts for public building operators to attend classes in Michigan in 2018. Facilities operated by BOC graduates are proven to save energy, have lower energy bills and offer improved comfort for occupants. We encourage public building operators who work in Michigan to take the class and take advantage of the discount.”
BOC Level 1 class will be held starting in March at Byron Center Public Schools in Byron Center and starting in May at Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw. Register here. A BOC Level 1 session will also be held in Detroit starting in April.
The BOC Level 2 class will be held starting in June at the Consumers Energy Training Center in Okemos. Register here.
Find information about all scheduled BOC classes here.
Participants must pass a test at the end of each training day and complete assigned projects. Unless otherwise noted, training begins at 8 a.m. and ends by 4 p.m. Early registration is encouraged.
Individuals interested in the MAE discount and other discounts should email Haley Keegan at hkeegan@mwalliance.org. More information on the BOC program is available at: http://boccentral.org/. The Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance administers the BOC program across the Midwest.
For more information about MAE, please visit www.michigan.gov/energy or sign up for its listservs to keep up on MAE matters.
SOURCE: Michigan Agency for Energy