During the 2018 Midwest Energy Solutions Conference, MEEA unveiled a brand new publication, the Midwest Energy Efficiency Spotlight, which showcases the positive impacts that energy efficiency policies and programs have had on the region’s residents and businesses.
The Spotlight highlights 13 metrics, including electricity and natural gas savings from EE policies, energy savings from building energy codes, EE jobs in the Midwest and manufacturers of energy efficient products in our region.
If you know of manufacturers of energy efficient products with facilities within our 13-state region, please contact Nick Dreher, MEEA’s Policy Manager, at ndreher@mwalliance.org.
MEEA Policy Committee
MEEA’s Policy Committee will be discussing the Spotlight on our next quarterly committee call in March. If you want to join MEEA’s Policy Committee or provide general feedback on the Spotlight, please email Sophia Markowska, MEEA Policy Associate, at smarkowska@mwalliance.org.
Federal Budget Proposes Cuts to Efficiency
Last week, President Trump released his proposed FY2019 Federal budget. In it, the administration proposes a 67 percent funding cut to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Among the programs proposed for complete elimination are the Weatherization Assistance Program, which helps low-income households improve their efficiency, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), which advances innovation in energy technologies through scientific research and development. The proposed budget would also slash resources for DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and the CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships (CHP TAPs), as well as supporting activities within DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office’s Technical Partnership Program.
While Congress is unlikely to adopt this budget in its original form, it sends a disheartening signal about the administration’s support for investment in clean energy and advanced manufacturing. There is an opportunity to deliver the message that energy efficiency creates broad positive economic impacts, including job creation, boosts to personal income and economic value which should be promoted and supported by the federal government.
The Alliance to Save Energy has created a form to show your support by submitting a letter to your Congressional delegation. It takes just a few minutes.
Get the Latest Energy News in Your InboxThe Energy News Network is a nonprofit news site dedicated to keeping stakeholders, policymakers and citizens informed of the important changes taking place in the transition to a clean energy system. Launched in 2010 as Midwest Energy News, the Energy News Network now offers four regional services with plans to add two more in 2019. Southeast Energy News began in 2015, and Southwest and Northeast Energy News were added in 2018. Subscribe to their daily digests at www.energynews.us.
MES 2018 a Huge Success
Earlier this month, our 2018 Midwest Energy Solutions welcomed more than 650 attendees from across the industry for three days of panels, workshops, yoga, networking and chats with VIPs like Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore.
Did you attend MES? Let us know what you thought by taking our short attendee survey. Presenter slides are now available for download. Then, check out the MES 2018 photo gallery.
We also want to acknowledge this year’s Inspiring Efficiency Award winners for their outstanding achievements in energy efficiency. See the full list of winnersand learn about their energy-saving efforts.
Finally, we want to thank all the sponsors, exhibitors, attendees and MEEA board members who made this event such a success. |
ACEEE Accepting Nominations for Exemplary Energy Efficiency Programs
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is now accepting nominations for its Fourth National Review of Exemplary Energy Efficiency Programs. The review recognizes outstanding utility-sector programs covering a broad spectrum of program types and customers.
Nominated programs must be utility-sector efficiency programs funded, at least in part, through utility rates, public benefits charges or similar utility revenue mechanisms. Program administrators may be utilities, government agencies or third party independent administrators.
To nominate a program, download the nomination form here. Submit complete forms to ExemplaryPrograms@aceee.org by February 28, 2018. |
New EnergySavvy eBook: Home Performance Success
With multiple stakeholders, networks of contractors, and increased customer expectations, Home Performance Programs can be complex to manage, especially with manual processes and little visibility. But when done right, utilities can deliver a powerful personalized experience for customers—improving efficiency, reducing costs, hitting goals, and increasing c-sat. Download EnergySavvy’s free eBook: Home Performance Success: Overcoming the Four Challenges to learn about how leading utilities such as PSEG Long Island, Arizona Public Service, and New Jersey Natural Gas addressed top challenges and optimized their programs. |
Getting to Zero National Forum
April 17-19 in Pittsburgh, PA
MEEA is proud to support the 2018 Getting to Zero National Forum. Join leading designers, real estate professionals, policymakers and manufacturers to share perspectives on the growth of zero energy (ZE), discuss the policies driving new projects and collaborate on opportunities for ZE to transform the built environment.
This event will feature pre-forum workshops and tours of zero energy buildings in the Pittsburgh area, as well as an address from Clay Nesler, VP of Global Sustainability at Johnson Controls.
You can get 10% off full forum passes using the code “CPMEEA” at checkout. Find out more online at https://gettingtozeroforum.org. |
M-WERC Energy Efficiency Event
Thursday, April 19 in Milwaukee, WI
The Midwest Energy Research Consortium (M-WERC) is organizing an energy efficiency conference exploring these topics and more:
- Energy Efficiency Trends and Programs in the Midwest
- Industrial Energy Efficiency
- Commercial Building Energy Efficiency
- Energy Efficiency Policy
The event will also be followed by a luncheon for organizations interested in dialogue and discussions on industrial energy efficiency topics.
Please save the date and reserve your seat by registering here. |
Over the last decade, EE Global has established itself as the energy efficiency elite’s gathering place – the one event that draws together business executives, government leaders and advocates from across sectors and continents for actionable dialogues on advancing energy efficiency.
This year, EE Global will highlight energy efficiency on the international stage as part of Nordic Energy Clean Week – a week-long global celebration promoting clean energy and efficiency through various events and forums.
EE Global is a by invitation-only event. If you already received an invitation, please register using the code provided in your invitation. NGO or government employees who have have yet to receive a complimentary invitation are encouraged to apply. |
Illinois Environmental Council is Hiring
The Illinois Environmental Council Education Fund seeks a self-motivated individual for the role of Community Outreach and Policy Director to build the policy and outreach capacity of environmental organizations within the Chicagoland area.
IEC is looking for a person with high policy/technical skill that can get involved with agency rulemakings, but can also discuss policy with community groups, providing those groups with new capacity. Experience in environmental justice issues is plus. Learn more and apply here. |
Upcoming BOC Classes
Want to improve the comfort of your office while simultaneously improving the efficiency of your building? Tell your building staff about BOC!
BOC is a nationally recognized training and certification program focusing on energy efficient building operations and preventative maintenance procedures. |
Upcoming Series
Illinois: Fairview Heights Level I
Michigan: Grand Rapids Level I
Minnesota: Twin Cities Level I
Ohio: Columbus Level II
Wisconsin: Milwaukee Level I
Michigan: Saginaw Level I
Nebraska: Omaha Level I
Michigan: Okemos Level II
Ohio: Columbus Level I
Minnesota: Rochester Level II
Wisconsin: La Crosse Level I
Tuition discounts available for veterans in the Midwest! Visit our series links for start dates or contact us at: boc@mwalliance.org or (855)-420-1785.
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