The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has issued a Request for Proposal for community organizations to provide residential lead hazard control services to Medicaid-enrolled residents.
Grants up to $1.5 million are available for qualifying cities, counties, consortiums or non-profit organizations to provide lead hazard control services. The Healthy Homes Section of MDHHS hopes to fund up to two grantees to provide these services in Michigan communities.
Services available for funding under this initiative include, but are not limited to, the following:
Creation and maintenance of an Enrollee Engagement Plan, including targeted outreach and promotion of covered services to prioritized Medicaid-enrolled residents.
Preparation, lead inspection, risk assessment and/or elevated blood lead investigation and lab sampling analysis activities to determine the presence of lead hazards.
Abatement or interim controls, where necessary, of lead-based paint and lead dust hazards from an eligible residence.
Removal or covering of soil lead hazards up to the eligible residence property line.
Lead in water sampling and plumbing abatement per MDHHS Residential Lead Hazard Control-Lead in Water Protocol.
Minimal rehabilitation to the extent the work will extend the life of lead abatement work.
Temporary relocation of residents during lead abatement activities, when appropriate.
Building local workforce capacity to safely and effectively abate lead hazards.
Grant applications must be submitted electronically through the MI E-Grants program by May 15, 2018 at 3 p.m. The program period begins Oct. 1, 2018 and ends Sept. 30, 2019.
For more information or to apply, visit the MI E-Grants website and select “About EGrAMS” link in the left panel to access the “Competitive Application Instructions” training manual. The complete RFP can be accessed under the ‘Current Grants’ section under the “Public Health Administration” link and selecting the “LHCD-2019” grant program.
Source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
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